A blog about random nothings. It's really just that, random news, stories, youtube videos and articles that I find interesting.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday- Groom choices, grocery help and dancing

Girls married to frogs in India and 8 year old girl married to 47 year old man in Saudi Arabia. Personally I would choose the frogs.

How to boycott ( if you so choose) Israeli products.- The Dutch are boycotting them-think about it, will you?

The fantastic T-Mobile advertisement which was filmed at 11am on Thursday 15th January 2009 at Liverpool Street station, London. The station starts playing music and dancers come on the station to surprise the commuters. They all dance and sing together. T Mobile- Life's for sharing. You tube video here-

Also, the girl scouts are here people. Stock up on those Do-si-dos.